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Attention! Product line adjustment!

Ohara plans (plans = not yet finally decided) to discontinue production of S-LAH79 soon.

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Attention! Product range adjustment

Ohara will stop producing “LICGC™ AG-01” in October 2025.

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Attention! Actualisation glass-assortment!

Dear Sir or Madam,


We have reviewed our range of glasses and will make a decision based on the respective demand situation in December 2024, and will then reclassify the following glasses with effect from April/May 2025 and give these glasses the status “request glass”:

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Containerschiffe in Gefahr

Die Lage vor der Küste von Jemen betrifft auch die Logistik von Ohara. Geschäftsführer Peter Melcher klärt im Interview über die Situation auf.

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Bienen im Ohara-Garten

Von außen betrachtet sieht die deutsche Ohara-Vertretung im Hofheimer Langgewann nicht ungewöhnlich aus. Doch ein Blick in den dahinterliegenden Garten beziehungsweise ein Flug mit der Drohne übers Gebäude verrät, wie nachhaltig der Spezialist für feinste optische Gläser agiert.

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Attention! New Ohara-glasses!

S-LAH97 – high refractive index and improved internal transmittance

S-LAL61Q – improved chemical durability


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Attention! Actualisation glass-assortment!

Dear Sir or Madam,

The annual review of our product range with regard to worldwide usage involves grading the following glass types, from Recommended to Special-Order-Glass-Type:
S-BAH10, L-TIM28P, S-BAL2, S-TIM22, S-TIH23, S-LAL13, S-LAM54 and  S-LAH63

Glass types already classified as Special-Order-Glass-Type are being taken out of the product range (discontinued):
S-FTL10, S-NSL5, S-BAH32, S-TIM39, S-LAM52, S-LAM58, S-YGH51, S-NBH52, S-NBH53, S-TIM1, S-NPH53 and L-LAH86

Please forward this information to the relevant people in your company.

We are happy to answer any questions you may have. 

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Attention range adjustment

In 2023 Ohara will change the status of the below listed glass types to "glass on request":

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Attention! - CHANGE: Actualisation glass-assortment

11 glass types would shift from special order to discontinued glass in April in 2022:

S-BAL11, S-BAM 3, S-BSM 9, S-LAL56, S-LAM51, S-TIM 3, L-LAL12, S-BSM 4, S-BSM22, S-LAM52 & S-LAM59.


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Achtung Sortimentsbereinigung

Bitte um Beachtung: Ohara stellt den Status der im Folgenden aufgeführten Glastypen im April 2022 vom Status "Anfrageglas" auf "Glas-ist-eingestellt/gestoppt" um: S-BAL11, S-BAM3, S-BSM9, S-LAL56, S-LAM51, S-TIM3, L-LAL12, S-BSM4, S-BSM22, S-LAM52 und S-LAM59.

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Attention! - CHANGE: Actualisation glass-assortment

We could obtain to continue the glasses S-BAL12, S-BSM81, S-LAH79 and S-LAL12 as recommended glass-types.

S-BAL41, S-LAL7, S-LAL54 and S-LAM61 will be special-order types starting from May, 1st 2021. We recommend to replace S-LAL7 with S-LAL7Q and S-LAL54 with S-LAL54Q.

S-FTL10 will remain as special-order type like before. Special-order types will be available for current drawing-numbers approx. for the next five years. We do not recommend to use special-order types for new designs.

The glass-types S-BAL22, S-BAL50, L-TIH53, L-LAH85 and L-PHL2 will be discontinued.

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New glass available S-BSL7R

We increase our portfolio of non-browning glasses with the new S-BSL7R. Now we can offer two different types of non-browning glasses, S-BAL35R and  S-BSL7R.

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New glass available S-FPM5

We introduce our new glass S-FPM5, with dn/dT closer to zero than other Fluor-Phosphate-types, for correction of index temperature-drift. In addition, it has a high partial dispersion ratio θg, F, which is a characteristic of Fluor-Phosphate based glass materials and is effective for correcting secondary chromatic aberration. This glass material can be used, not only for in-vehicle camera lenses, but also for other applications such as projector and interchangeable lenses.

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Attention! Actualisation glass-assortment

The annual review of our product range with regard to worldwide usage involves grading the following glass types, from Recommended to Special-Order-Glass-Type.

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S-LAL12Q is an optical glass for polished lenses with improved workability and durability, which are issues with glass materials in the LAL area.

It has the same optical performance (refractive index and Abbe number) as conventional products and has improved durability in lens processing,

so it can be used in various applications such as mobile camera lenses, projectors, and interchangeable lenses for photography.

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We like to introduce our new S-PHM52Q, showing increased chemical durability, better abraision when machined, values dn/dT near 0 and a decreased specific weight - compared to usual S-PHM52.

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Optatec 2020 trade fair in Frankfurt

Visit us at the Optatec 2020 trade fair in Frankfurt, 15th International Trade Fair for Optical Technologies, Components and Systems, from November 17th to 19th, 2020

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S-FPM4 has high partial dispersion ratios θg, F in the FPM region, and is an optical glass for polished lenses, effective for secondary chromatic aberration correction. A glass material that can be used in a wide range of applications, i.e. as interchangeable and automotive lenses.

High partial dispersion ratios θg, F

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Laser World of Photonics

24/06/2019 - 27/06/2019

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Review of glass portfolio


To whom it may concern,

According to the latest review of our glass portfolio, we will do a reclassification of following glass-types, effective from May, 1St 2019:

Change to “special order”:

S-LAH79, S-NPH53, L-LAH86 und S-TIM1.

Special order types may be still available for some time, but we cannot guarantee. On your order we can melt these types during the next five years.


We recommend to change

from S-NPH53 to S-TIH53W and

from S-TIM1 to S-TIM2.

Change to „discontinued“:


we recommend to change to S-BSM81.

Please consider these changes in your optical designs.


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S-LAH60MQ is an optical glass with high refractive indices which has the smallest dn/dT among current LAH glasses.
Cars are used in environments where the temperature change is large from below zero (cold district) to more than 50 °C  (inside car in summer). The large differences of the temperature may cause refractive index fluctuations. Zoom lens could adjust the refractive index fluctuations. But fixed-focus lens is common in the field of Automotive cameras and it's impossible for us to adjust the refractive index fluctuations with fixed-focus lens.
Whereas many LAH glasses have large...

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PHOTONEX 10th & 11th October 2018 / RICO ARENA / COVENTRY

PHOTONEX is the largest showcase event in the United Kingdom for photonics and lighting technologies.

Take Advantage of your opportunity and get to know us. Please visit us at stand B15.

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LANE 2018 - 10th CIRO Conference on Photonic Technologies

Visit us at the 10h anniversary of the LANE from September 03 - 06, 2018 in Fürth.

We are looking forward to your interest and would like to invite you personally to know OHARA on this day.

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We are pleased to introduce S-LAL7Q as an optical glass which has improved on chemical durability desired in the region of LAL. S-LAL7Q has the same Refractive Indices and Abbe Number as S-LAL7. In addition, the processability of lens polishing of S-LAL7Q is better than S-LAL7.

1. Improved chemical durability compared to S-LAL7.

2. Acid resistance is improved to Class 4 from Class 5.

3. Water resistance is improved to Class 2 from Class 3.

4. Lower density compared to S-LAL7. Density 3.24 from 3.73.

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Deutsche Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik (DFaO)

Visit us at the 119th anniversary of the German Society for Applied Optics from May 22 - 26, 2018 in Aalen.

We are looking forward to your interest and would like to invite you personally to know OHARA on this day.

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S-LAL21 is an optical glass for polished lens which has improved on water resistance, acid resistance and mechanical strength required for Automotive camera lenses. Existing glasses at the region of LAL are not so good in acid resistance and the class of the powder method Acid resistance of it is 4 or 5. The current LAL glasses may be difficult to be used for some kinds of Automotive camera lenses. S-LAL21 has improved on chemical durability, that's why it could be used for Automotive camera lenses, as well as projectors, photographic interchangeable lenses and various applications.


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Though S-NBH58 has high refractive indices with high dispersion, the partial dispersion ratio θg,F is low. That's why S-NBH58 could be effective for correcting chromatic aberration by combining it with anomalous dispersion glasses having both low refractive indices and low dispersion. We are pleased to introduce S-NBH58 which could be effective for higher performance of customer's products and could be used for various applications such as the lenses of Interchangeable lens cameras, Projectors and so on.

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S-NPH7 is an optical glass which has the smallest dn/dT in the region of NPH, high refractive indices and high dispersion. In the optical system of the Automotive camera lens, it's common that the focal length is fixed. Cars are used in environments where the temperature change is large from below zero (in cold district) to 50 ° C or above (inside car in summer). When we make the design of optical system, considering refractive index fluctuations due to temperature change should be needed. Generally speaking, NPH glasses have positive dn/dT and the value of dn/dT is large at the positive side....

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Optatec 2018 (15.-17. May 2018) in Frankfurt am Main

International trade fair for optical Technologies, components and Systems

Focus on Innovation Potential

Optatec focuses on the industry’s innovation potential like no other event of its kind. In cooperation with technological and institutional partners including the SPECTARIS association for the high-tech industries, Optence and OptecNet, Optatec offers an international showcase for advanced technologies. Exhibitors from Europe and all over the world display future technologies from the field of industrial optics and take advantage of Optatec to present their innovations and product...

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S-LAH98 & S-LAH99

Wir freuen uns Ihnen unsere neuen Gläser S-LAH98 und S-LAH99 vorzustellen. Es ist uns gelungen einen höhere Transmission und ein geringeres spezifisches Gewicht in der Glasregion, ähnlich wie bei S-LAH79, zu erreichen.

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Review of glass portfolio

To whom it may concern,


According to the latest review of our glass portfolio, we will do a reclassification of following glass-types, effective from May, 1St 2018:


Change to „special continued“:

S-LAL11, S-LAL52, S-NSL7, S-PHM51, S-YGH52, TIH53.

These types will be available approx. for the next 5 years, then will change to special order.


Change to “special order”:

S-BAH32, S-BSM4, S-BSM22, S-LAM52, S-LAM58, S-LAM59, S-NBH52, S-NBH53, S-NSL5, S-TIM39, S-YGH51.

Special order types may be still available for some time, but we do not guarantee, on your order we can melt these...

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S-LAH63Q is an optical glass with high refractive indices which has the smallest positive dn/dT at the region of LAH. In the optical system of automotive camera lenses, it is common that the focal lenght is fix. Cars are used in environments where the temperature change is large from below zero (in cold area) to more than 50 °C (inside car in summer). So refractive indices fluctuations due to temperature change should be considered for the optical system. LAH glasses generally have positive large dn/dT. By using S-LAH63Q of which the dn/dT is close to zero, it is expected that...

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Melt frequency_i-line glasses

Dear Customers,

Here is an overview (actual November 2017) about the current melt frequency of our i-line glasses.



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SEMICON EUROPA (14.-17. November 2017) in München

The Largest Microelectronics Event in Europe

For the first time co-located with productronica in Munich, Germany creating the strongest single event for electronics manufacturing in Europe, and broadening the range of attendees across the electronics supply chain. The co-location with productronica embodies the SEMI global strategy to connect the breadth of the entire electronics supply chain.

SEMICON Europa events will expand attendee opportunities to exchange ideas and promote technological progress featuring the most advanced and innovative electronics manufacturing platform in Europe....

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S-LAM73 is an optical glass which has negative dn/dT at the region of LAM.
Cars are used in environments where the temperature change is large from below zero (cold district) to more than 50 °C (inside car in summer). In the optical system of Automotive camera lenses, it's common that the focal length is fixed

  1. Negative dn/dT at the region of LAM dn/dT(DLine 40°C ~ 60°C)   -0,8
  2. The highest refractive index among glasses with negative dn/dT at the region of low dispersion  nd approximately 1,8
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OpTecBB - Photonik days (18.-19. October 2017) in Berlin

Optec-Berlin-Brandenburg (OpTecBB) e.V. Competence Network for Optical Technologies

Optec-Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. (OpTecBB) is the competence network for optical technologies and micro-system technology in the region of Berlin-Brandenburg. OpTecBB is an initiative of companies and scientific institutions in Berlin-Brandenburg who aim to explore and use the technology together. OpTecBB was founded on September 14th, 2000 by companies, research institutions, universities and federations supported by relevant ministries in Brandenburg and the Berlin Senate. Today, the association has...

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PHOTONEX PHOTONEX (11.-12. Oktober 2017) in Coventry

PHOTONEX is the largest showcase event in the United Kingdom for photonics and lighting technologies.

Take Advantage of your opportunity and get to know us. Please visit us at stand B15.

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S-LAH97 is an optical glass for polished lenses. We are successful in the cost reduction of S-YGH51 by removing expensive raw material from S-YGH51. We are pleased to introduce S-LAH97 as an optical glass which can be effective for cost reduction and higher performance of customer's products. S-LAH97 can be used in a wide variety of applications which are Interchangeable lenses for Single-lens reflex cameras, Projectors and so on.

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Laser World of Photonics

Visit us at the LASER World of PHOTONICS, the world's leading manufacturer of components, systems and applications for photonics, since 1973 in Munich. It ideally combines technology with industrial application fields for various industries and fields of application.

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Deutsche Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik (DFaO)

Visit us at the 118th anniversary of the German Society for Applied Optics from June 6 - 10, 2017 in Dresden.

We are looking forward to your interest and would like to invite you personally to know OHARA on this day.

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S-LAH52Q is an optical glass which has extremely large positive dn/dt. Cars are used in environments where the temperature change is large from below zero (cold district) to 50 °C or above (inside car in summer). In the optical system of Automotive camera lenses, it's common that the focal length is fixed. Optical design considering refractive index fluctuations due to temperature change is necessary. By using S-LAH52Q among an optical system that includes glass lenses with low dispersion and negative dn/dt, it is expected that refractive index fluctuations can be modified efficiently. In...

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S-LAL20 is an optical glass which has negative dn/dt. Cars are used in environments where the temperature change is large from below zero (cold district) to 50 °C or above (inside car in summer). In the optical system of Automotive camera lenses, it's common that the focal length is fixed. Since many optical glasses have positive dn/dt, by combining these optical glasses with S-LAL20, it is expected that refractive index fluctuations due to temperature change can be modified efficiently. In addition, S-LAL20 can be used for not only Automotive camera lenses but also projectors, photographic...

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S-LAL54Q is an optical glass for polished lens which has improved on water resistance, acid resistance and mechanical strength required for Automotive camera lenses. Existing glass materials at the region of LAL are poor in acid resistance. The class of powder method Acid resistance of it is 4 or 5 and it's difficult to use it for Automotive camera lenses. Since S-LAL54Q has improved on chemical durability, it can be used for Automotive camera lenses, as well as projectors, photographic interchangeable lenses and various applications.

1.Excellent chemical durability

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S-TIH57 is an optical glass recommended for polished lens blank applications and can give low cost in the Region of higher refractive index than S-TIH53 which is used in a wide veriety of applications. We are pleased to introduce S-TIH57 which can contribute cist reduction and high -Performance to the lenses in the field of CCTV, FA / Machine Vision, Automotiv Cameras and so on.

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S-LAH60V, which is lower cost optical glass of S-LAH60 for polished lens blank applications. By removing the expensive raw materials included in S-LAH60, the cost reduction has been achieved. We are pleased to introduce S-LAH60V with the unique properties that provide the Advantages in lower product Price and higher prodcut Performance, as new material that can be widely used for projectors, interchangeable lenses and zoom lenses of SLR. 

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Actualisation glass-assortment

The annual review of our product range with regard to worldwide usage involves grading the following glass types, from Recommended to Special-Order-Glass-Type:

  • L-LAL12
  • S-BAL11
  • S-BAM3
  • S-BSM9
  • S-LAL56
  • S-LAM51
  • S-TIM3

These glass types will be available, at least until April 2017. We do not recommend these glass types for new developments.

Glass types already classified as Special-Order-Glass-Type

  • L-LAH87
  • L-PHL1
  • L-BBH2
  • S-APL1
  • S-BAM5
  • S-BSM21
  • S-BSM93
  • S-LAL60
  • S-TIH20

are being taken out of the product range (discontinued).

The production of the glass type L-BBH1, which up to now had been a recommended...

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